⼿卷两头尖意⾯ Grarganelli pasta , greens ,prawn ans zucchini flower

Procedure :


Step 1 : Clean the green peas and the fava bean , after tale a pot add water , salt and bring to boil . when boil add thr greens and cook for 90 second . after that cool down in ice water. 把⻘⾖和蚕⾖洗净,煮好后放⼊锅中加⽔、盐煮开。煮沸后加 ⼊⾖⼦,煮90秒,之后在冰⽔中冷却。

Step 2 : INGREDIENT QUANT ITY INGREDIENT QUANT ITY GARGANELLI PASTA 240 gr PEPPER 1 gr OLIVE OIL 50 ml CHERRY TOMATO 80 gr GREEN PEAS 100 gr DILL 10 gr FAVA BEAN 100 gr RED PRAWN clean 8 pcs GARLIC 1 pcs ZUCCHINI FLOWER 6 pcs PARMIGIANO CHEESE 50 gr SALT 6 gr In one pan put the olive oil , add the garlic and bring to hot until the garlic became hazelnut color , after add the prawn already clean , the cherry tomato , salt , pepper . 在⼀个平底锅⾥放⼊橄榄油,加⼊蒜末并加热,直到蒜末变成 榛⼦⾊,加⼊已经洗净的⼤虾,放⼊樱桃番茄、盐、胡椒粉。

Step 3 : add a bit of vegetable stock , the greens and the zucchini flower .加⼀点蔬菜汤,⾖⼦和⻄葫芦花。

Step 4 : In one pot add water , salt and bring to boil . When boil add the pasta and cook for 12 minute , after that take out from the water and add the pasta to the sauce already hot . Work in medium speed fire , add parmigiano cheese , olive oil and if need a bit of vegetable stock . ⼀锅加⽔,加盐煮开。 煮沸后加⼊意⾯煮12分钟,然后从⽔中取出⾯,加⼊已经热了 的酱汁中。 开中⽕,加⼊帕尔森奶酪,橄榄油,如果需要再加⼀点蔬菜汤。

Step 5 : Take out from the fire , put the pasta in a nice plate add dill for finish and serve 从锅中取出意⾯,把⾯放在⼀个好看的盘⼦⾥,加⼊莳萝草调 味,即可⻝⽤。